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Vol. - No. Vol.12 - No.4
Date Dec., 2023
Title Reconfiguration of Korea Highrise Residential Spaces in Response to Pandemic
Author Myung Sik Lee+ and Seung Jo Lee
Institutions Division of Architectural Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea
Abstract In modern society, rapid environmental changes are occurring due to the
complex interaction of various factors. Starting in 2020, the social environment is
changing rapidly due to the impact of the pandemic, and the social and economic
living environment is changing significantly not only in Korea but also
internationally. In this trend, behavioral and spatial changes are occurring in response
to changes in the architectural living environment. To analyze changes in behavior
and space from an architectural perspective in response to changes in the social
environment, first organize the concept and aspects of the pandemic that caused the
change, examine the theory of the pandemic, and examine architectural responses to
changes in the social environment. There is a need to analyze. Therefore, in order to
architecturally review changes in the social environment due to the pandemic, the
purpose of this study is to analyze the living behavior and space of major highrise
residential complexes in the living environment and present new spatial alternatives
in response.
Keyword Reconfiguration, Social Environment, Pandemic, Highrise Residential Spaces,
Social Change
PP. PP.352~361
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