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Vol. - No. Vol.12 - No.4
Date Dec., 2023
Title Editor's Note
Author Kyoung Sun Moon
Institutions Principal Editor-in-Chief
Abstract The December 2023 Issue of the International Journal of High-Rise Buildings presents review and research papers covering a broad range of topics related to tall building design and construction. The topics include urban design, wind engineering, seismic engineering, structural design, structural health monitoring, environmental design, construction automation, and the pandemic-related architectural design issues.

This issue begins with a review paper by Yimeng Wu et al. titled "A Systematic Review of Commercial
Building Greening with CiteSpace." Multiple papers are devoted to structural engineering-related topics. Yong Chul Kim reviews "Current Issues in Wind Engineering." Masahiko Higashino et al. discusses "Seismic Isolation and Response Control of Buildings in Japan." Kyoung Sun Moon presents "Evolution of Tall Building Structures with Perimeter Diagonals for Sustainable Vertical Built Environments." Jun Su Park et al. contribute a paper titled "Computer Vision-Based Structural Health Monitoring: A Review." An environmental design-related topic is presented by Sang-Hwan Park and Jae-Weon Jeong with their paper titled "Experimental Study of Moisture-Wicking Fabric as Cooling Pad for Novel Rotary Direct Evaporative Cooler." Construction automation is reviewed by Junbok Lee with his paper titled "Construction Automation and Robotics: Innovative Challenges and Opportunities" Last but not least, Myung Sik Lee and Seung Jo Lee presents a very timely study on "Reconfiguration of Highrise Residential Spaces in Response to Pandemic."

With the rapid growth of population and urbanization throughout the globe, tall buildings are an inevitable building type. The International Journal of High-Rise Buildings promotes research and application of innovative technology and design to create more livable and sustainable vertical built environments with well-thought-out tall building developments. Papers making a seminal contribution to this important effort are always welcome.

Time flies and we are already at the end of the year 2023. Thank you all so much for contributing to the journal throughout the year as the authors, readers, reviewers, and editorial board members. Special thanks also go to Gahee Lee, whose ceaseless effort for successful publication of every issue of the journal is truly appreciated.

Happy holidays and my best wishes for the new year 2024!

All the best,
PP. PP.272~272

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