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Vol. - No. Vol.9 - No.2
Date Jun., 2020
Title Review on Quantitative Measures of Robustness for Building Structures Against Disproportionate Collapse
Author Jian Jiang1, Qijie Zhang1, Liulian Li2, Wei Chen1, Jihong Ye1, Guo-Qiang Li3,+
Institutions 1Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Environmental Impact and Structural Safety in Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China2The First Construction Engineering Company Ltd. of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau, Beijing 100176, China3State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Abstract Disproportionate collapse triggered by local structural failure may cause huge casualties and economic losses, being one of the most critical civil engineering incidents. It is generally recognized that ensuring robustness of a structure, defined as its insensitivity to local failure, is the most acceptable and effective method to arrest disproportionate collapse. To date, the concept of robustness in its definition and quantification is still an issue of controversy. This paper presents a detailed review on about 50 quantitative measures of robustness for building structures, being classified into structural attribute-based and structural performance-based measures (deterministic and probabilistic). The definition of robustness is first described and distinguished from that of collapse resistance, vulnerability and redundancy. The review shows that deterministic measures predominate in quantifying structural robustness by comparing the structural responses of an intact and damaged structure. The attribute-based measures based on structural topology and stiffness are only applicable to elastic state of simple structural forms while the probabilistic measures receive growing interest by accounting for uncertainties in abnormal events, local failure, structural system and failure-induced consequences, which can be used for decision-making tools. There is still a lack of generalized quantifications of robustness, which should be derived based on the definition and design objectives and on the response of a structure to local damage as well as the associated consequences of collapse. Critical issues and recommendations for future design and research on quantification of robustness are provided from the views of column removal scenarios, types of structures, regularity of structural layouts, collapse modes, numerical methods, multiple hazards, degrees of robustness, partial damage of components, acceptable design criteria.
Keyword Robustness, Disproportionate collapse, Quantitative measure, Review, Deterministic, Probabilistic
PP. PP.127~154
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