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Vol. - No. Vol.7 - No.2
Date Jun., 2018
Title A Human-Scaled Future for Dense Development
Author Ivan Harbour
Institutions Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, Level 14, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AB
Abstract Critics of height argue that it de-humanizes our cities. Yet a critical mass is a necessity for vibrant city life, and height is
a key contributor. If we can overcome the environmental impacts and technicalities of building tall and dense, our cities' streets
can thrive and prosper. To make this happen, we must move towards working together to share resources, so we can ensure
the continuity of the public realm. We already have the tools to do this; the challenge lies in the coordination of the public and
private institutions that govern urban space. District heating and cooling systems; shared logistics spaces; care, responsibility
and ownership of the public realm between buildings; seamless connectivity between modes of transport; creative combinations
of shelter and seating, and the placement of buildings so that they are not overbearing to the streets around them - these
attributes can be found in many places, though rarely all at once. This paper looks at the development of the city and offers
Barangaroo South, Sydney, which addresses all these aspects, as a potential template for future city planning
Keyword Critical mass, Public realm, Cities, Density, Scale
PP. PP.141~143
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