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Vol. - No. Vol.6 - No.3
Date Sep., 2017
Title Multi-Dimensional Hybrid Design and Construction of Skyscraper Cluster -Innovative Engineering of Raffles City Chongqing-
Author Aaron J. Wang+
Institutions Project Design and Development Management, CapitaLand China Corporate, Shanghai 200001, P. R. China
Abstract Designed by star architect of Moshes Safdie, Raffles City Chongqing includes a total of 6 mega high-rise towers 250 to 380
m tall, a sky conservatory, a 5-storey high shopping mall and a 3-storey basement car parking. Located at the confluence of
the Yangtze and Jailing Rivers, the site for the project is imbued with a significance that is immediately symbolic, both as a
sign of Chongqing's important past and as a vivid indicator of the city's thriving present and future. The design for the project
to be situated at this gateway takes as its governing idea the image of powerful sails upon the water. The outer facades of the
project's eight towers — the transparent surfaces that will face the water to the north — are meant to recall a fleet of ancient
Chinese ships, with their huge rectangles of white canvas filled by the wind. This is a 1.13 million m2 mega scale integrated
project of office, retail, hotel, service residence and high-end residence with the transportation hub and traffic circulation at
various levels of the project. This paper presents the multi-dimensional hybrid design, engineering and construction of this mega
scale project. The innovations and the cutting-edge technology used in this project are introduced and discussed benchmarking
the design and construction of the skyscraper cluster in a major city like Chongqing of China.
Keyword High-rise building cluster, Performance-based design, Damping device, Smart construction
PP. PP.261~269
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