Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.3 - No.3
Date Sep., 2014
Title Form Follows Function - The Composite Construction
and Mixed Structures in Modern Tall Buildings
Author Liu Peng
Institutions Arup, Room 3008, Jing Guang Center, Hu Jia Lou, Chao Yang District, Beijing, China
Abstract The tall building and super tall building has been a common building type in China, with multiple functions and complex geometry. Composite construction is broadly used in tall building structures and constitutes the mixed structure together with concrete and steel constructions. The mixture of the constructions is purposely designed for specific area based on the analysis results to achieve the best cost-effectiveness. New types of composite construction are conceived of by engineers for columns and walls. Material distribution is more flexible and innovative in the structural level and member level. However the reliability of computer model analysis should be verified carefully. Further researches in the design and build of composite construction are necessary to ensure the success of its application. Composite or Mixture Index is suggested to be used as a performance benchmark.
Keyword Composite construction, Tall building, Mixed structure, Mega column, Composite wall
PP. PP.191~198
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