Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.3 - No.3
Date Sep., 2014
Title Study on Structural Efficiency of Super-Tall Buildings
Author Zhou Jianlong+, Bao Lianjin, and Qian Peng
Institutions East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd, No.151 Hankou Road, 200002, Shanghai, China
Abstract Based on a 405m high super-tall building, the influence of outriggers, different shapes and layouts of structural plane and elevation on structural efficiency under lateral forces is studied in this paper. A calculation formula concerning the structural efficiency is given. The study shows that structural efficiency can be improved by triangulating the plane shape, using mega columns, the peripherization of the plane layout, tapering the elevation shape and setting bracing structure in the elevation. The
arrangement of outriggers between the core tube and flange frame can reduce the shear lag effect in order to improve structural efficiency. The essence of improving structural efficiency of super-tall buildings is to maximize the plane bending stiffness and to make its deformation approach to plane section assumption.
Keyword Super-tall buildings, Structural efficiency, Shape, Layout, Outriggers
PP. PP.185~190
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