Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.3 - No.3
Date Sep., 2014
Title Structural Design of Nakanoshima Festival Tower
Author Ken Okada+ and Satoshi Yoshida
Institutions Structural Engineering Department, Nikken Sekkei Ltd., Osaka 530-8211, Japan
Abstract Nakanoshima Festival Tower is a 200 m high-rise complex building which contains a renewed 2700-seat capacity concert hall known as "Festival Hall" and offices including headquarter of a news company. In order to build up an office tower on the hall which requires large open space, a giant truss system is employed. The giant trusses being composed of mega-trusses and belt-trusses support all the building weight above them and transfer the load to the outside of the hall. The building also requires high seismic resistance performance for a news company. Application of mid-story seismic isolation enables the building to satisfy high-level seismic resistance criteria.
Keyword Structural design, Complex building, Mega structure, Steel structure, Mid-story seismic isolation
PP. PP.173~183
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