Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.2 - No.2
Date Jun., 2013
Title Overview of the Benefits of Structural Fire Engineering
Author Allan Jowsey1+, Peter Scott1, and Jose Torero2
Institutions 1Structural Fire Design Department, International Paint, AkzoNobel, Stoneygate Lane, Felling, NE10 0JY, UK
2School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Australia
Abstract The field of structural fire engineering has evolved within the construction industry, driven largely by the acceptance of performance-based or goal-based design. This evolution has brought two disciplines very close together - that of structural engineering and fire engineering. This paper presents an overview of structural systems that are frequently adopted in tall building design; typical beams and columns, concrete filled steel tube columns and long span beams with web openings. It is shown that these structural members require a structural analysis in relation to their temperature evolution and failure modes to determine adequate thermal protection for a given fire resistance period. When this is accounted for, a more explicit understanding of the behaviour of the structure and significant cost savings can be achieved. This paper demonstrates the importance of structural fire assessments in the context of tall building design. It is shown that structural engineers are more than capable of assessing structural capacity in the event of fire using published methodologies. Rather than assumed performance, this approach can result in a safe and quantified design in the event of a fire.
Keyword Structural fire engineering, Optimisation, Passive fire protection, Intumescent coatings
PP. PP.131~139
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