Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.2 - No.2
Date Jun., 2013
Title The Core Urban Design Strategies of Tall Building - Low Carbon Community
Author Enfang Liu, Wenli Fan, Jianing Pan, and Jianqiang Li+
Institutions Shanghai Institute of Architectural Design and Research (Co., Ltd.), 258 Shimen Er Road, Shanghai 200041, China
Abstract Tall building has some controversial aspects with low carbon city, but it is still a sensible choice for the metropolitan city. This paper aims to develop holistic urban design strategies to minimize impacts on the environment, increase energy efficiency and improve the quality of living in tall building communities by utilizing tall building characteristics. It puts forward the concept of integrated tall building-low carbon community design from the perspective of urban design, and summarizes five core strategies: Temporal state based on energy use, Complementary energy use state based on functions, Spatial state based
on regional environment features, Transportation state based on low-carbon lifestyle and Waste utilization state based on tall building characteristics. It also applies the strategies to a practical project. The results show that the proposed urban design strategies are available approaches to mitigate the side effects of tall building on low carbon city.
Keyword Tall building - Low carbon community (TBLCC), Urban design, Integrated design strategies, Energy efficiency of tall buildings
PP. PP.85~91
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