Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.12 - No.4
Date Dec., 2023
Title Experimental Study of Moisture-Wicking Fabric as Cooling Pad for Novel Rotary Direct Evaporative Cooler
Author Sang-Hwan Park and Jae-Weon Jeong+
Institutions Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea
Abstract This study proposes a novel rotary direct evaporative cooler and investigates
the potential of a moisture-wicking fabric as a cooling pad for the proposed evaporative
cooler. The rotary direct evaporative cooler rotates the cooling pad to reduce the water
and energy consumption of the pump compared to those of existing direct evaporative
coolers. A moisture-wicking fabric is considered as the material of the cooling pad,
because of its high moisture-wicking property, enhancing water evaporation.
Experiments are performed under various inlet air conditions while measuring the air
temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, and differential pressure. The evaporative
cooling efficiency and impacts of the inlet air temperature and air velocity on the
cooling performance are also evaluated. The results demonstrate the potential of the
moisture-wicking fabric as cooling pad of direct evaporative cooler.
Keyword Direct evaporative cooler, Cooling efficiency, Moisture-wicking fabric,
Cooling pad
PP. PP.336~341
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