Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.12 - No.4
Date Dec., 2023
Title Evolution of Tall Building Structures with Perimeter Diagonals for Sustainable Vertical Built Environments
Author Kyoung Sun Moon+
Institutions Yale University School of Architecture, New Haven, CT, USA
Abstract Tall buildings are built with an abundant amount of materials, including
structural materials, coming from our limited natural resources. Tall buildings that
began from about 10-story tall office towers have evolved to over 150-story tall mixed-
use megastructures. As a building becomes taller, structural material requirement to
resist lateral wind loads becomes exponentially larger. Therefore, it is crucial to employ
efficient structural systems and optimize their design, which will contribute to
sustainable vertical built environments through preservation of resources. Tube type
structures with large perimeter diagonals are among the most efficient structural
systems for tall buildings. Developments of braced tube, braced megatube, diagrid
structures, and their optimal design strategies are reviewed. Superframed conjoined
towers, produced by interconnecting multiple clustered braced tubes, are presented as
a new design direction to achieve not only structural but also architectural and social
sustainable design goals.
Keyword Tall buildings, Braced tubes, Braced megatubes, Diagrids, Superframed
conjoined towers, Sustainable structural design
PP. PP.308~319
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