Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.12 - No.4
Date Dec., 2023
Title Seismic Isolation and Response Control of Buildings in Japan
Author Masahiko Higashino1+, Yoshihisa Kitamura2, and Nagahide Kani2
Institutions 1Takenaka Corporation, Japan Society of Seismic Isolation
2Japan Society of Seismic Isolation
Abstract An overview of seismic isolation and structural control in Japan is
presented. The paper includes a mention of the history of aseismic technology and the
earthquake threat in Japan, summarizes the merits of seismic isolation and response
control, and discusses the types of devices used and some recent project examples. The
projects presented are mostly examples of response control used for high-rise buildings.
These types of buildings are not amendable to seismic isolation, and are a challenge to
applying damping devices, as their high aspect ratio means that their dominant
deformation mode is bending. Japanese engineers have developed a range of unique
techniques to apply response control to these types of structures. Concluding remarks
discuss some of the current challenges to expanding the use of seismic isolation and
response control technologies.
Keyword Earthquake, Seismic isolation, Response control, Device, Society
PP. PP.299~305
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