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Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.12 - No.4
Date Dec., 2025
Title A Systematic Review of Commercial Building Greening with CiteSpace
Author Yimeng Wu1, Zhendong Wang1,2+, Kai Li1, and Hao Wang3,4
Institutions 1College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, China
2Key Laboratory for High-density Habitat Ecology and Energy Conservation of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, China
3School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
4Key Laboratory of Cold Region Urban and Rural Human Settlement Environment Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Abstract The commercial buildings greening can generate multiple benefits to
achieve a sustainable building and business environment. However, a comprehensive
systematic review of commercial buildings greening across multiple disciplines has yet
to be reported. This study conducted a systematic analysis of 39 literature on
commercial building greening from Web of Science over the past 19 years and utilized
CiteSpace to visualize the academic evolution and trends in this field. Key findings
were: 1) The number of publications in the past five years has increased, indicating that
commercial building greening research has received widespread attention. 2) The large
number of publications means that the research field of commercial building greening
is relatively broad. 3) The study of commercial building greening has become a global
participation and cooperation research topic. The top cooperating countries mainly
come from the United States and Europe, while the differences in cooperation between
institutions in developing countries are less significant. 4) The greening of commercial
buildings is more related to research on behavioral activities. 5) The research on
commercial building greening has developed from architecture and plants to
interdisciplinary fields, including psychology, economics, and management. 6) The
cost of commercial buildings greening is generally an obstacle to installation. This
study provides specific references for stakeholders and plays a crucial role in
determining the evolution of commercial building greening research and predicting
future research needs and opportunities.
Keyword Commercial building greening, Systematic review, CiteSpace, Visualization
PP. PP.273~285
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