Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.12 - No.3
Date Oct., 2023
Title A Study on the Implement of AI-based Integrated Smart Fire
Safety (ISFS) System in Public Facility
Author Myung Sik Lee+ and Pill Sun Seo
Institutions Division of Architectural Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
Abstract Even at this point in the era of digital transformation, we are still facing
many problems in the safety sector that cannot prevent the occurrence or spread of
human casualties. When you are in an unexpected emergency, it is often difficult to
respond only with human physical ability. Human casualties continue to occur at
construction sites, manufacturing plants, and multi-use facilities used by many people
in everyday life. If you encounter a situation where normal judgment is impossible in
the event of an emergency at a life site where there are still many safety blind spots,
it is difficult to cope with the existing manual guidance method. New variable guidance
technology, which combines artificial intelligence and digital twin, can make it possible
to prevent casualties by processing large amounts of data needed to derive appropriate
countermeasures in real time beyond identifying what safety accidents occurred in
unexpected crisis situations. When a simple control method that divides and monitors
several CCTVs is digitally converted and combined with artificial intelligence and 3D
digital twin control technology, intelligence augmentation (IA) effect can be achieved
that strengthens the safety decision-making ability required in real time. With the
enforcement of the Serious Disaster Enterprise Punishment Act, the importance of
distributing a smart location guidance system that urgently solves the decision-making
delay that occurs in safety accidents at various industrial sites and strengthens the real-
time decision-making ability of field workers and managers is highlighted. The smart
location guidance system that combines artificial intelligence and digital twin consists
of AIoT HW equipment, wireless communication NW equipment, and intelligent SW
platform. The intelligent SW platform consists of Builder that supports digital twin
modeling, Watch that meets real-time control based on synchronization between real
objects and digital twin models, and Simulator that supports the development and
verification of various safety management scenarios using intelligent agents. The smart
location guidance system provides on-site monitoring using IoT equipment, CCTV-
linked intelligent image analysis, intelligent operating procedures that support
workflow modeling to immediately reflect the needs of the site, situational location
guidance, and digital twin virtual fencing access control technology. This paper
examines the limitations of traditional fixed passive guidance methods, analyzes global
technology development trends to overcome them, identifies the digital transformation
properties required to switch to intelligent variable smart location guidance methods,
explains the characteristics and components of AI-based public facility smart fire safety
integrated system (ISFS).
Keyword Smart location guidance, AI engine, Capacity constrained routing problem,
Digital Twin, Time-expanded graph network modeling, Safety digital transformation
PP. PP.226~234
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