Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.12 - No.3
Date Oct., 2023
Title The Birth and Development of High-Rise Buildings in Japan:
Focusing on the Historical Development of Height and Floor Area
Ratio Regulations
Author Akihiko Osawa+
Institutions Department of Architecture, Toyo University, Japan
Abstract This paper reviews the history of the birth and development of the
skyscraper in Japan, mainly from the perspective of the legal system, and presents the
following points: 1) After 1919, building height was limited to 31 m or less, which
continued after the war and defined the skyline of Japan's major cities; 2) The 31-meter
height limit became a problem during rapid economic growth. With the development
of tall building construction technology, the height limit was eliminated, and
skyscrapers were born in Japan in the 1960s; 3) Later, the number of skyscrapers
increased more rapidly in the post-bubble period after the collapse of the bubble
economy in the 2000s than in the boom years of the 1980s, when the floor-area ratio
was relaxed for economic uplift and urban renewal. The number of skyscrapers
increased rapidly against the backdrop of the deregulation of the floor-area ratio.
Keyword High-rise Building, Height Restriction, Floor Area Ratio, Relaxation of
PP. PP.195~201
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