Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.12 - No.2
Date Jun., 2023
Title A Study on Sustainable Greenspace based on Urban Remodeling
Design of an Old Apartment Building
Author Myung Sik Lee+ and Seung Ryeol Min
Institutions Division of Architectural Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea
Abstract It is undeniable that urban greenspace is the soul of a city. Conventional urban
greenspace such as parks, community gardens, playgrounds etc. located within a city reduce
the negative effects of pollution, play a major role in the survival of the urban ecosystem, and
promote healthy lifestyles. Today, 55% of the world's population lives in urban areas, which
is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. Projections show that urbanization and the gradual
migration to urban areas combined with the fast growth of the world's population, could add
another 2.5 billion people to urban areas by 2050 and almost 90% of this increase will take
place in Asia(UN, 2018). As a result, many plots in the cities are and will continue to be
occupied with buildings to provide residential support to the increased population. This will
dangerously decrease urban greenspaces. Moreover, worldwide, food crisis, energy crisis, and
social crisis is posing a great threat to the existence of mankind. Additionally, the COVID –
19 has introduced a new lifestyle where from work culture to community configuration has
drastically transformed. In this scenario, residential buildings will have to serve more than just
providing privacy and shelter. As urban greenspaces are being occupied by concrete residential
buildings, these buildings will have to compensate for the percentage of urban green they are
destroying and the issues they are imposing in the process. The goal of this thesis is to design,
architecturally define and, categorize comprehensive 'sustainable Greenspace'(S.G.S) for the
multi-family housing scenario. These will be different than the conventional green (veranda,
rooftop green) we commonly see in residential buildings. An old, dilapidated apartment
building will be the target of remodeling to fulfill the purpose of this thesis.
Keyword Residential Greenspace, Sustainable Greenspace, Dilapidated residential building,
Self-sufficient community, Restoration, Food-energy-social security, Pandemic preparedness
PP. PP.179~193
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