Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.8 - No.4
Date Dec., 2019
Title Editor's note
Author Professor Yong Chul Kim (Ph.D.)
Institutions Tokyo Polytechnic University
Abstract One of the biggest challenges in the construction of high-rise buildings is how to deal with strong winds. Even on a calm day, wind speed at the top of a high-rise building can be more than 50m/s (180km/h), and this is why a tall building project is sometimes called a "battle with wind". According to Cermak (1975), Wind Engineering is best described as the rational treatment of interactions between wind in the atmospheric boundary layer and man and man-made works on the surface of the Earth. High-rise buildings are the biggest man-made structures and the importance of wind to their design becomes more significant as their height increases.
In the present Special Issue, 8 papers were selected that discuss shape effects and optimization of high-rise buildings, peak pressures, Database-Assisted Design, aerodynamic damping and so on. Promising young researchers and engineers from around the world were invited to share their research accomplishments obtained from wind tunnel experiments, computational wind engineering and full-scale measurements. Unconventional building shapes are very common in current tall building projects, and extensive and comprehensive comparative studies based on existing researches and shape optimization were made focusing on aerodynamic characteristics and wind environment. Database-Assisted Design has recently attracted attention in the wind engineering field because it enables quick and reasonable examination and efficient computational effort by using existing similar data, without conducting extensive wind tunnel tests and analyses. Aerodynamic instability becomes very important when the aspect ratio of a high-rise building is high, and its effect on a high-rise building together with aerodynamic damping are discussed based on wind tunnel test results. Other interesting issues are well documented in this Special Issue.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the authors for their invaluable time and contributions in sharing their thoughts and latest achievements. I believe this Special Issue will provide very practical and useful information for wind-resistant design of ongoing high-rise building projects. I would also like to thank the Editor-in-Chief of the IJHRB, Professor Sang Dae Kim, for his support, as well as colleagues in CTBUH Korea for their help during the editing of the Wind Engineering Special Issue.
PP. PP.1~1

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