Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.6 - No.4
Date Dec., 2017
Title Multitasking Façade: How to Combine BIPV with Passive Solar Mitigation Strategies in a High-Rise Curtain Wall System
Author Juan Betancur
Institutions AIA, Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture
Abstract This paper outlines the processes and strategies studied and selected by the team during the design stages of the project for the incorporation of BIPV into the tower's façade. The goal was to create a system that helps reduce internal heating and cooling loads while collecting energy through photovoltaic panels located throughout the building.
The process used to develop this façade system can be broken down into three stages.

1. Concept: BIPV as design catalyst for a high-rise building.
2. Optimization: Balancing BIPV and Human comfort.
3. Integration: Incorporating BIPV into a custom curtain wall design.
The FKI Project clearly illustrates the evolution building enclosures from simple wall systems to high performance integrated architectural and engineering design solutions. This design process and execution of this project represent the design philosophy of our firm.
Keyword BIPV- building integrated photovoltaic, Optimization, Integration, High-performance façades, Energy generation
PP. PP.307~313

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