Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.6 - No.4
Date Dec., 2017
Title Wellness, Workplace, Productive, Productivity, Heathy, IAQ, Noise, Acoustics, Thermal comfort, Lighting,
Daylight, Daylighting, Ventilation, Views, Smart Buildings
Author Craig Burton
Institutions Associate Principal, Interface Engineering, Inc., 100 S Wacker Drive, Suite 350, Chicago, IL, 60606
Abstract The design and construction of supertall buildings has grown dramatically in recent years. This area of practice has
traditionally fallen within the purview of a very small group of architects and engineers, but this is rapidly changing, as
unprecedented growth and densification has spread to markets not traditionally known for high rise construction. The design
community has been increasingly committed to the adoption of green and sustainable design, and the integration of smarter,
cleaner technologies across the building spectrum. This paper examines current supertall design trends, and suggests that
recently completed and planned projects are trending towards more sustainable solutions, and that a unique set of best practices
are emerging specific to Supertalls.
Keyword Supertall, Sustainability, MEP systems, Distributed generation, Smart city
PP. PP.301~306
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