Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.4 - No.3
Date Sep., 2015
Title The outrigger system of tall building in Korea
Author Kwangryang Chung1), Wonil Sunu2)
Institutions 1) PE, Ph.D, President, DongYang Structural Engineers Group, Seoul, Korea
2) PE, Director, DongYang Structural Engineers Group, Seoul, Korea
Abstract The outrigger system is highly efficient system since the system utilizes the perimeter zone to resist lateral forces like tube system. The entire structural weight can be reduced due to the system's significant lateral strength. Therefore, the system is most commonly selected for the structural system of Tall and Supertall buildings built in recent years. In this paper, issues regarding the differential shortening effect during the construction of the outrigger system, and special joints to solve these issues will be addressed. Also, the characteristics of wind load and seismic load in Korea will briefly discussed. Lastly, buildings in Korea used outrigger system as their major structural system will be introduced and the structural role of the system will be analyzed..
Keyword Tall building, outrigger system, column shortening, delay joint, adjustment joint
PP. PP.209~217
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