Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.4 - No.3
Date Sep., 2015
Title Construction of Initial Analytical Models for
Structural Health Monitoring
Author Seonwoong Kima ,Ji Young Kimb ,In Hwan Hwangc
Institutions a. Assistant professor, Department of Architecture and Plant Engineering, Youngsan University, Yangsan, Kyoungnam, South Korea
b. Chief researcher, Daewoo Institute of Construction Technology, Suwon, Kyounggi, South Korea, Corresponding author, Tel: +82-31-250-1163; Fax: +82-31-250-1132, E-mail:
c. Ph.D. Researcher, Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Abstract It is important to accurately predict structural responses to external excitations such as typhoon, earthquake, etc. for designing structures in serviceability and ultimate levels. One of key procedure to predict reliable vibration responses it to evaluate accurate structural dynamic properties using finite element (FE) models which properly represent buildings' realistic behaviors. In case of the historical masonry buildings, structural damages could be also caused by due to the ambient vibrations or impacts. Preservation plans, therefore, of the historic buildings for low level vibrations or impacts should be provided by analyzing structural damages within serviceability level. For this purpose, it is required to provide FE model construction and response analysis methods verified with field measurement data. In this research, long-term field measurement was performed for a cathedral and its dynamic properties are evaluated using measured data. Then, it is calibrated based on the measured dynamic properties and overall construction method of FE models for masonry cathedral is proposed. Using the measured accelerations, the vibrations of the belfry were analyzed using the calibrated FE model and finally, the FE model for the cathedral were be verified by comparing the measured accelerations with the analyzed results of the FE model.
Keyword Cathedral; Vibrations; Field measurement; Wind; Finite element model; Calibration
PP. PP.191~198
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