Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.4 - No.3
Date Sep., 2015
Title Seismic Isolation System Incorporated with RC Core Walls and Precast Concrete Perimeter Frames
- Shimizu Corporation Tokyo Headquarter -
Author Dai Shimazaki1, Kentaro Nakagawa2
Institutions 1Manager, Structural Engineering Department, Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo 104-8370, Japan
2 Deputy Director, Structural Engineering Department, Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo 104-8370, Japan
Abstract Shimizu Corporation Tokyo Headquarter features many pioneering technologies to be the leading office building, which can contribute largely to sustainable societies by achieving both environmentally friendly office building and disaster management facility. In terms of structural engineering, seismic isolation system incorporated with reinforced concrete core walls and precast concrete perimeter frames makes it possible to achieve robust structure in the event of large earthquakes. In addition to seismic resitances of the structure, several pioneering construction methods and materials are adopted. This office building can serve as a basis for design and construction approaches and methodologies to iusure safe and economical structure.
Keyword Seismic isolation system, Reinforced concrete core wall, Precast concrete perimeter frame, Non-linear time history analysis
PP. PP.181~189
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