Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.3 - No.4
Date Dec., 2014
Title Optimal Design of Tall Residential Building with RC Shear Wall and with Rectangular Layout
Author Men Jinjie1,+, Shi Qingxuan1, and He Zhijian2
Institutions 1 College of Civil Engineering, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an, 710055 China
2 Shaanxi Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd, Xi'an, 710018 China
Abstract The objective of optimization is to present a design process that minimizes the total material consumption while satisfying current codes and specifications. In the research an optimization formulation for RC shear wall structures is proposed. And based on conceptual design methodology, an optimization process is investigated. Then optimal design techniques and specific explanations are introduced for residential buildings with shear wall structure, especially for that with a rectangular layout. An example of 30-story building is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimal design process. Furthermore, the influence of aspect ratio on the concrete consumption and the steel consumption of the superstructure are analyzed for this typical RC shear wall structure; and their relations are obtained by regressive analysis. Finally, the optimal material consumption is suggested for the residential building with RC shear wall structure and with rectangular layout. The relation and the data suggested can be used for guiding the design of similar RC shear wall structures.
Keyword Optimization, Structural design, Shear wall structures, Optimal techniques, Tall residential buildings, Aspect ratio, Material consumptions
PP. PP.285~296
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