Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.1 - No.1
Date Mar., 2012
Title Amplitude Dependency of Damping in Buildings and Critical Tip Drift Ratio
Author Yukio Tamura
Institutions School of Architecture and Wind Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Atsugi 243-0297, Japan
Abstract The importance of appropriate use of damping evaluation techniques and points to note for accurate evaluation of damping are first discussed. Then, the variation of damping ratio with amplitude is discussed, especially in the amplitude range relevant to wind-resistant design of buildings, i.e. within the elastic limit. The general belief is that damping increases with amplitude, but it is emphasized that there is no evidence of increasing damping ratio in the very high amplitude range within the elastic limit of main frames, unless there is damage to secondary members or architectural finishings. The damping ratio rather decreases with amplitude from a certain tip drift ratio defined as "critical tip drift ratio," after all friction surfaces between primary/structural and secondary/non-structural members have been mobilized.
Keyword Damping, Wind-induced response, Amplitude dependency, Critical tip drift ratio, Damping evaluation technique
PP. PP.1~13
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