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Vol. - No. Vol.7 - No.2
Date Jun., 2018
Title Exploring New Paradigms in High-Density Vertical Hybrids
Author Swinal Samant Ravindranath and Srilakshmi Jayasankar Menon
Institutions Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore
Abstract By the year 2050, the world population is set to increase to 9 billion people, of which 66% will be living in cities. It is argued that this will inevitably lead to further urban densification and soaring, inhumane and dense vertical environments.
However, innovative and disruptive technologies impacting all realms of life means that we will also live, work, play, learn and make in novel ways, the beginnings of which are already becoming evident. These present opportunities for reimagining city environments, and in particular tall buildings, with a focus on reducing redundancies and re-appropriating existing buildings, creating novel hybrid environments, incorporating green and social democratic spaces, and integrating multiple modes of
transport. This paper examines how vertical cities may perhaps be dense, resource efficient, and yet humane, presenting three possible scenarios for Singapore's context, which are, however, common to many Asian high-density urban environments.
The scenarios presented are the outcome of Final-Year Thesis Projects undertaken by final-year architecture students at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2017.
Keyword Mixed-use, Vertical hybrids, High-density living
PP. PP.111~125
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