Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.9 - No.3
Date Sep., 2020
Title Robustness Design For Tall Timber Buildings
Author Konstantinos Voulpiotis1 and Andrea Frangi1
Institutions 1Department of Structural Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract With the ever-increasing height of timber buildings, the complexity of timber as a structural material gives rise to behaviors not previously studied by engineers. An urgent call is needed regarding their performance in damage scenarios: activating alternative load paths in tall timber buildings is not the same as in tall buildings made with steel and concrete. In this paper we propose a robustness framework covering all building materials, whose application in timber may lead to new conceptual designs for the next generation of tall timber buildings. Qualitatively, the importance of building scale and the distinction between localized and systematic exposures are discussed, and how existing supertall structures can be an example for future generations of tall timber buildings. Quantitatively, the robustness index is introduced alongside a method to calculate the performance of a given building regarding robustness, in order to find the most cost-effective structural solutions for improved robustness. A three-level application recommendation is made, depending on the importance of the building in question. Primarily, the paper highlights the importance of conceptual design to achieve structural robustness and encourages the practicing engineering community to use the proposed framework to quantitatively come up with the new generation of tall timber buildings.
Keyword Disproportionate Collapse, Risk, Consequences, Modelling, Optimization, Tall timber building
PP. PP.245~253
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