Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.9 - No.2
Date Jun., 2020
Title Challenges in Structural Design of Bumeo W-project
Author Jong Soo Kim+, Duck Won Jo, and Eun Gyu Choi
Institutions CS Structural Engineering, Seoul, Korea
Abstract W-Project is 60-story mixed-use residential building complex project in Daegu, the third biggest city in South Korea. There are lots explorable items to be solved to secure structural safety and meet the serviceability requirements. This paper describes what kind of structural system is optimized based on the architectural requirements and structural components design and the grade of concrete strength altered on floors. The defining process of lateral resisting system of outrigger compared to the core ratio of typical plan is illustrated in detail.
Keyword High-rise Building, Lateral Load System, Outngger System, Coupling Beam, Interaction Force
PP. PP.167~173
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