Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.9 - No.2
Date Jun., 2020
Title Editor's Note
Author Sang Dae Kim, Ph.D
Institutions Chief Editor , IJHRB
Abstract Many skyscrapers are still being built in many cities around the world. For a better and more optimal design, we need to accumulate new technologies and know-how of various technical and architectural practices as well as design and structural engineering experiences. For example, curtain wall facade and building disproportionate collapse issues are very important in the design and construction of high-rise buildings.
This June 2020 issue addresses the design, structure and many technical issues of high-rise buildings. Sae Huang Oh describes the present and future of facade issues in depth, an issue that has not been studied much in the past. Jian Jiang et al. verify the robustness of building structures through 50 quantitative measures, taking into account the issue of disproportionate collapse. An experimental test on the effect of onsite welding of steel plates for a joint between concrete columns and a steel belt truss is carried out by HakBo Shim et al, during which the possible damages caused by heat input were investigated.
The structure of the Bumeo W-project designed by Jong Soo Kim et al. is illustrated in detail through a comparison of the lateral resisting system of outriggers and the core ratio of typical plan. Xiaofeng Sun et al. has assessed the seismic reliability of mid- and high-rise post-tensioned CLT shear wall structures. Considering the complexity of this kind of structural system as well as the lack of a reliable structural model, the findings of this study carry significant implications. The structural characteristics of preloaded deep deck composite slabs with tendons are discussed by Tae-Hun Lee et al. who investigated a deflection issue in the deep decks of the slim floor structure. Finally, Man Joon Ha presents his study of the issue of the post occupancy evaluation, considering the residential environment of mixed-use apartment complexes.
We are currently facing the serious problem of an unprecedented disease. With regard to this issue, we need to study what problems there might be with the skyscrapers that many people use together.
PP. PP.1~1

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