Archive of IJHRB

Archive of IJHRB

Vol. - No. Vol.9 - No.1
Date Mar., 2020
Title Robotics in Construction: Framework and Future Directions
Author Claudia Cabrera Aparicio1, Alberto Balzan1, and Dario Trabucco1,2
Institutions 1Department of Architecture and Arts, Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy2Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Research Office, Venice, Italy
Abstract In recent years the construction sector has grown significantly in terms of investment and research on robotics and automation, yet it is still a low-tech and disjointed industry. One of the main scopes of this paper is to determine how robotic automation can provide the answers to the needs this industry has. To that end, an overall framework and development agenda of current technological innovation in the field has been outlined. Possible drawbacks and driving forces in the development of robots in the construction site have been identified. In addition, the review provides for state-of-the-art policies and regulations, as well as the short and medium-term outlook in different markets and countries. Ultimately, the forecast impact on traditional processes, construction sites, emerging technologies and related professions has been summarized in order to delineate prospective repercussions and future directions towards self-sufficiency.
Keyword Robot; automated construction; drivers; restrains; market forecast
PP. PP.105~111
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